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Staff Review Draft: Phase 1 Part 2 Chapter 14

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in reply to trjurgens's comment
Plumbing code
Are you asking if we have been requiring landscaping and site design? Yes we have.
The purposes of this article still apply to the sections that were removed from this section and incorrectly placed in Infrastructure design section. Terrain and Stormwater Mangement and Floodplain must be added back to this section.
Remove: "The maintenance."
Can say " In A and AE zones, as shown and defined on the FEMA FIRM panel, ...
We don't want to define them here, but we can reference that FEMA defines them on the FIRM
The title and dates are correct. It is not a city specific study.
This section needs to be moved back where it was in the original code and the numbering should also remain the same. This section was reviewed and approved by FEMA and we don't want to change the numbering.
See the previous comment on penalizing all property owners by some method such as disallowing any permits on the properties if the HOA is not in place. As far as "technically capable", the individuals in the HOA don't have to be technically capable of maintenance and repair, they have to have the financial means to hire someone who is.
Seems like we should have some enforcement of this such as if an HOA is not active, no property in this development can obtain a building permit, or something that provides incentives to the individual property owners to ensure the HOA is active and performing their required maintenance.
Should say "development plan"
Should we remove the word "however"? It seems redunant.
I'm not sure how submitting the archaeological studies with the permit helps anything. This section is what is supposed to be submitted at permitting. Unless someone is going to review the permit for this information, I think it would be reviewed at some other time. Or someone needs to be added to the permit review process who will review this information.
This is tricky to incentivize other methods. We have to make sure they are quantifiable for future compliance monitoring.
These techniques do not work in Santa Fe because we don't have the rainfall that's required for their success. We should remove this in Phase2
in reply to trjurgens's comment
Correct; should be "14-8.4 Landscape and Site Design"
in reply to trjurgens's comment
Correct; should be "14-8.4 Landscape and Site Design"
in reply to trjurgens's comment
Correct; should be "14-8.4 Landscape and Site Design"
in reply to zoe's comment
We can address this in phase 2 to make the language more stringent.
I don't believe this is new.
in reply to jawolfenbarger's comment
Yes, this section may be replaced with Public Works' new manual. BUT NOT previous sections.
in reply to jawolfenbarger's comment
Because they have incorrectly combined the terrain and stormwater management section and the flood section with the infrastructure design section, this is not true that these sections will be replaced with Public Works' future manual. These sections apply to private property and this section will not be replaced. This is why there should be two separate sections as they were in the old code.
in reply to ffrank's comment
Correct. There would have to be SOME type of inclusionary housing in-order to get the 15% density bonus. Fee-in-lieu and alternative means which do not provide/include ANY on-site SFHP-compliant units would not get a 15% density bonus.
Should say must have a minimum of 2" of asphalt. They can place a thicker layer if they want.
We should say must have a minimum of 4" gravel surface and then at the end say that the parking lot may be asphalt. I don't think we want to limit commercial properties with less than 40 spaces from having asphalt.
We have always interpreted it to mean the height of the taller wall, even if the taller wall is below the other wall. Could reword to make it more clear.
in reply to CoSF Staff's comment
Public Works would have to require this and monitor. Land Use does not have the staff or capability of checking weights of vehicles.
in reply to CoSF Staff's comment
This is possible only when the damage is directly attributable to a certain party. Someone would have to witness the damage. Damage to existing public roads should be covered in the Public Works section of the code.
This would be tough since many properties have parking in the flood fringe and FEMA does allow it.
Actually, there are other flood fringes identified in other arroyos in Santa Fe.
in reply to zoe's comment
I believe that the gabions are not allowed as armoring of the banks, but are allowed for other applications.
in reply to zoe's comment
maybe we just say "all structures" instead of similar structures. We do allow a cable to be mounted to posts to keep people from driving through an arroyo. So maybe we can say something like "and all structures with the exception of an approved design for a single cable strung across posts"
Can be in phase 2
in reply to zoe's comment
Don't see a need for it to be repeated, but not opposed to it.
This is to prohibit equipment being placed in limited space setbacks so there is room for stormwater drainage around the equipment.
in reply to zoe's comment
This is covered in V right above.
in reply to zoe's comment
There are other sections of the code that pertain to a flow path on private property.
The code regulates that the "peak flow rate" cannot be increased. The word runoff is not used and probably should not be changed to runoff.
Although ponding has its pros and cons, so do all the other methods. I'm not convinced there's a perfect solution that should be rewarded above others. Many of these alternate methods have significant issues with quantifying the volumes for future compliance and inspections of the property to verify conditions remain as required in the original drainage calculations.
I believe a year is warranted and will reduce staff time to renew. Things happen during construction and the permit may need to stay open.
I don't understand what this comment means. The previous section does apply throughout.
Need more employees! We do our best with the few employees we have for monitoring dust.
Can reference section G below that defines minor development
Probably need to discuss more before changing
THis section must always remain in Chapter 14 because it is relevant to the terrain AND stormwater management on private land development.
The infrastructure section should still be located after the development and design section. There should be two separate sections in the code. Development and Design is for the development of private land and Infrastructure design is for the development of public infrastructure. The code should still have Development and Design as 14.8 and the numbering should still be relatively the same because we have references to this in many different permits and various correspondence with the public. Changing these sections so drastically in numbering will cause significant confusion when looking for code references.
Development and design standards should still come before the infrastructure section of the code.
Terrain and Stormwater along with all other sections that were previously in the development and design section of the code, do not belong in the Infrastructure section of the code. They apply to private land development and need to remain in the development and design section. The infrastructure section is completely different and has sections that apply to and are referenced in the original code to the applicable portions of the development and design section, but not the other way around.
Add item: Street trees shall have a minimum separation from existing or planned City water lines as set forth in City Water Division Design Criteria.
Is it necessary to specify the particular backflow preventer type here or just rely on the "code" to determine what is required?